Research Animals
All research involving vertebrates requires pre-authorization from the University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). This preauthorization includes requirements to:
- Complete an application for animal use.
- Complete training on general biosafety and species-specific hazards.
- Complete a medical evaluation. View the IACUC Forms and choose the "OHS Form" that applies to your status (employee or students, as appropriate).
Biohazardous Agents (other than Bloodborne Pathogens) and Communicable Diseases
Search for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) at Appalachian State University.
MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
MRSA is one of the "superbugs" that has garnered much attention in the media.
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) MRSA website
- Printable CDC Posters on MRSA in Athletics, Early Childhood Care and Education Professionals
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) in Research
All activities involving rDNA must be registered with the Institutional Biosafety Council (the IBC). The IBC Administrator is located in the Office of Research Protections. Please see the Institutional Biosafety Council section of the Office of Research Protections' website for more information.
Select Agents & Toxins
Select Agents are biological agents and toxins that have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, animal health and safety, plant health and safety, or to the safety of animal or plant products.
The intent to obtain or use any Select Agents & Toxins must be reported to the University Industrial Hygienist. For the most up-to-date list of Select Agents, please check the Federal Select Agent Program Select Agents and Toxins List.
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
- About the BBP Program at Appalachian
- Read or Print the Exposure Control Plan
- Hepatitis B Vaccination Schedule for Appalachian Employees
- Check Job Categories Covered (go to Appendix 3 of the Explosure Control Plan)
- Add a Job Category (go to end of Appendix 3 of the Explosure Control Plan)
Note: adding a job category requires the employee to obtain annual BBP training and the department to pay for Hepatitis B vaccinations if employee wants them.
Pandemic Disease
For details about the status of pandemic disease and Appalachian's response, including Novel H1N1 Flu ("Swine Flu") and Bird Flu, please go to the University's Emergency Response website and select the icon for Public Health Emergencies.
For specific questions about workplace personal protective equipment or cleaning/disinfection of general (non-medical) items, please contact the Industrial Hygiene Manager.
Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety comprises both ionizing and non-ionizing such as LASERs and X-rays.
University policies and procedures regarding radiation safety can be found at the Office of Research Protections website.